The Brick Township Municipal Court serves as the judicial branch of the local government.  Court is presided over by the Honorable Joseph D. Grisanti.  The Court holds sessions on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.  Every year, the Brick Township Municipal Court processes nearly 20,000 filings for matters such as DWI, traffic violations, criminal cases, drug cases and domestic violence charges.

Virtual Court Preceedings

Here you will find important information and documents needed for attending a virtual court session.

If you have a virtual court session scheduled, you may reach out to the Prosecutor Anthony Destribats, Esq at

  • Las instrucciones en español se pueden encontrar aquí

    Información en español

    Aquí encontrará información importante y documentos necesarios para asistir a una sesión virtual de la corte.

    Si usted tiene una sesión virtual, porfavor comuniquese con el fiscal Anthony Despribats, Esq al

    Usted debe comunicarse con el fiscal antes de la fecha de su corte virtual.

    Hay varias formas de unirse a una sesión de corte virtual, cada una con diferentes requisitos.

    • Computadora portátil o de escritorio PC / Mac: requerirá un navegador que ejecutará Zoom Meeting según sea necesario. Se requiere un micrófono y una cámara de video.
    • Teléfono inteligente: instale la aplicación Zoom Cloud Meetings y permita el acceso a su cámara y micrófono.
    • Llamar: puede marcar el proceso y aparecer por teléfono. Si marca * 9 durante la llamada en conferencia, levantará la mano si se le solicita asistencia.

    TENGA EN CUENTA: si tiene preguntas o inquietudes para un próximo asunto judicial programado, llame al (732) 262-1226 y deje un mensaje. Un empleado de la corte responderá con la información que necesita para aparecer.

    Antes de unirse a la sala de la Corte Virtual, debe ver esta:
    Declaración de apertura de la Corte Municipal Oficial.

    Al unirse a la siguiente reunión del Tribunal Virtual, está certificando que ha visto el video antes mencionado.

    Procedimientos Judiciales virtuales para el mes de Agosto del 2020
    (3, 5, 6, 10, 12, 13, 17, 19, 20, 24, 26, 27 y 31 de Agosto)

    Haga clic en el enlace a continuación para unirse:

    Call: (646) 876-9923
    Webinar ID: 848 3633 4260
    Password: 005877

There are multiple ways of joining a virtual court session, each with different requirements.

  • PC/Mac Laptop or desktop – will require a browser which will run Zoom Meeting as needed. A microphone and video camera are required.
  • Smart Phone – install the Zoom Cloud Meetings app and allow access to your camera and microphone.
  • Call in – You can dial into the proceeding and appear by phone. Dialing *9 during the conference call will raise your hand if you are called on for attendance.

Keys to a successful Zoom Virtual Court Appearance:

  • Set up in a closed room with no noise or other people.
  • Connect to the meeting using your real first and last name on the display.
  • Be sure to allow any connections to audio or video by Zoom.
  • If you are not successful with video, be prepared to call in to the phone number listed with the Zoom meeting information. This number is listed below. It will change from meeting to meeting.

PLEASE NOTE – If you have questions or concerns for an upcoming scheduled court matter, please call (732) 262-1226 and leave a message. A court employee will respond with the information you need to appear.

Before joining the Virtual Court room you are required to watch the following video provided in English or Spanish:
Official Municipal Court Opening Statement (English).
Municipal Court Opening Statement (Spanish)

By joining the following Virtual Court meeting, you are certifying that you have watched the aforementioned video.

VIRTUAL COURT PROCEEDINGS for all start times.

Please click the link below to join the virtual courtroom.
Be advised you will be recorded and should be acting in a fashion that is accepted in an actual courtroom.

Or if you must appear by Telephone:

Call: (301) 715 8592
Webinar ID / Meeting ID: 848 3633 4260
When asked for participant ID press #
Password: 005877

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Entering a Not Guilty Plea

    Pleas of Not Guilty can be entered a number of ways.  They can be entered in person, by telephone, by email, by fax or by regular mail.  Please have your summons or complaint number available when entering your plea.  This does not apply to Not Guilty pleas for matters of consequence.  These pleas must be entered on the day of your arraignment before the Judge.

  • Paying a Summons

    If you received a summons and would like to plead guilty and pay the fine, you can pay in person at the Brick Township Municipal Court.  The Court accepts cash, checks, money orders or MasterCard and Visa.  Checks require a drivers license number written on the check of the signer and telephone number.  You can also mail your summons to the Municipal Court with a check or money order.  For certain violations, you can pay online by visiting the New Jersey Courts website.  Please have your summons number available.

  • Speaking to a Prosecutor

    You will have the opportunity to speak to the prosecutor regarding your assigned court date  A Not Guilty plea must be entered with the Municipal Court prior to this.  If you are represented by an attorney, your attorney will speak to the prosecutor on your behalf.

  • How Many Points is my Ticket?

    The Municipal Court does not assess points to your drivers license.  That is a function of the Motor Vehicle Commission.  To find out how many points a violation carries, you must contact the Motor Vehicle Commission.