NOTICE: Sale of property for non-payment of taxes, assessments and other Municipal liens. PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that I, Kelly Napolitano, Tax Collector for the Township of Brick, County of Ocean, will sell at public sale on the 17th day of September, 2024 in a public meeting room at Brick Township Municipal Building, 401 Chambers Bridge Rd, Brick, NJ 08723 at 10:00am or at such other time and place to which sale may be adjourned, each and all parcels assessed to the respective persons whose names appear opposite each respective parcel as owner thereof for the Total amount of municipal liens chargeable against said lands, computed to the 17th day of September, 2024 all described and particularly set out in a list now a permanent record in my office, all as required under provisions of NJSA 54:4 entitled “sale of Real Property to enforce liens”, Section 54:5-19-54:5-111 and amendments thereto. TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that the hereinafter lands described will be sold as computed with taxes, or other charges, interest and cost of advertisement. TAKE FURTHER NOTICE, that said lands will be sold at 18% interest or less to make the amount of Municipal Liens chargeable against redemption at the lower rate of interest. The payment for Liens shall be made before the conclusion of the sale, that day, by certified check, cash, money order or wire transfer or the property shall be resold. Properties for which there are no bidders shall be struck off and sold to the Municipality per Statute. Interest on subsequent liens shall be allowed as provided by Law. At any time before the sale, said collector may receive payment of the amount due on any property with said interest and costs incurred, including cost of advertisement by CERTIFIED CHECK, CASH OR MONEY ORDER. PAYMENTS MADE BEFORE SALE ARE SUBJECT TO ADDITIONAL INTEREST DUE PURSUANT TO STATE LAW. Industrial properties may be subject to the Spill Compensation and Control Act, NJSA 58:10-23.11 et. seq., the Water Pollution Control Act NJSA 13:1k-6 et. seq. In addition, the Municipality is precluded from issuing Tax Sale Certificates to any prospective purchaser who is or may be in any way connected to the prior owner or operator of the sites. IN THE EVENT AN OWNER IS ON ACTIVE DUTY WITH THE MILITARY, THE COLLECTOR MUST BE NOTIFIED IMMEDIATELY.
Dated: August 21, 2024 Kelly Napolitano, CTC