Community-based Substance Abuse Prevention
The Brick Municipal Anti-Drug Coalition (BMAC) is a municipally supported, grant funded organization whose mission is to provide substance abuse prevention programs and services for the community. It is a grass-roots effort led by a group of volunteers representing organizations and key stakeholders empowered to initiate community level change. With funding provided by the Governor’s Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse along with sponsorships and donations, BMAC’s efforts will be focused on reducing prescription medication misuse, particularly opiates, which is fueling the heroin crisis in our area. Former Chief Bergquist of the Brick Township Police Department summarized it best at the first BMAC meeting when he said “The Police Department is really good at arresting these people. What we’re not so good at is turning off the flow of new users coming in and I think that should be our focus.”BMAC meetings are held on the fourth Monday of each month at 7 pm in Town Hall. All are welcome. Please check the calendar on this website for meeting dates.
- Alcohol Resources
- Drug Abuse Resources
- Suicide Prevention Resources
- Family and Individual Therapy Resources
Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters
888-4AL-ANON or 757-563-1600
Information and educational materialsAlcoholics Anonymous (AA), North Jersey Intergroup
Listing of support groups for 12-step programNew Jersey Al-Anon/AlaTeen
973-744-8686 (North Jersey)
856-547-0855 (South Jersey)
Information, educational materials and meetingsThe Cool Spot
Provides information about underage drinking and alcohol problemsCONTACT of Ocean and Monmouth Counties
24 hour crisis hotlineNew Hope Foundation
Inpatient & outpatient care, detoxification, and counselingOcean County Health Department Drug & Alcohol Unit
732-341-9700, ext. 7535
Referrals, listing of AA meetings
Addiction Hotline of New Jersey
ReferralsOcean’s Harbor House
732-929-0660 or 732-240-3638
Counseling and referrals, prevention programs