Purchasing is a function of the Department of Administration and Finance. The Township of Brick strives to procure goods and services on behalf of the Township Departments in the most cost effective and efficient manner. The Department promotes a fair, open and competitive purchasing environment under the pretext of the Local Public Contracts Law, State Regulation and the Brick Township Administrative Code.
The Local Public Contracts Law, under NJSA 40 A.11-1 et seq., governs the activities of the Township in contracting for the performance of any work or service, the purchasing of any equipment and/or supplies, which are utilized by the Township of Brick for all its daily operations. The purpose of the Local Public Contracts Law is to secure economy and the benefits of unfettered competition for the public in the procurement activities of the contract unit.
The Purchasing Department obtains prices for goods and services through Formal and Informal Quotes, State Contracts, Cooperative Purchasing , National Co-ops, Request for Proposal and Receipt of Bids. Sealed bids are generally required for any commodity, service or improvement when costs exceed the statutory bid threshold. Submittal must be in accordance with the terms and conditions stated in the bid package. Bids are advertised in the Asbury Park Press and on the Township website. Bids can be picked up at the Purchasing Department. Bids are opened and read in public at the date, time and place specified in the “Notice to Bidders”.