The TNR Committee is formed in accordance with Township Ordinance Chapter 98. Animals Article XI. Management of Feral Cats.  The ordinance outlines the definition of feral cat colonies; sponsorship of colony TNR programs; sponsor duties, feral cat caregiver responsibilities; colony cat requirements; disposition of colony cats; enforcemen.; and nuisance complaint investigation.


To contact the Brick TNR Committee, please call 732-262-4618 or email

Committee Members

John Talty Jr. (Chair)

Joanne Bergin (Secretary)

Councilman Perry Albanese

Doreen Gesslein

Catherine Daly

JoAnne Lambusta

Zack Prawdzinski (A-Academy)

Scott Smith

For more information about the TNR Committee, please call Chairman John Talty Jr. at (732) 262-1079 or via email at

Meetings will be held as determined by the Committee.

TNR Committee Meeting Agendas

TNR Committee Meeting Minutes

TNR Committee Meeting Calendar

  • Oct 9

    TNR Committee Meeting

    The next meeting of the Brick Township Trap Neuter Return (TNR) Program takes place on Wednesday, October 9 at 5:30pm at the Brick Township Municipal Building. The meeting is open to the public.