The Historic Preservation Commission was created in 1998 to preserve the heritage of Brick Township.  The Commission encourages the preservation of the cultural, social, economic and architectural history of Brick Township.  It encourages the reinvestment in existing historic sites in a manner that preserves, restores and reuses these sites and discourages unnecessary demolition.  It carries out advisory, educational and informational functions that will provide historic preservation in Brick Township.

The Commission makes recommendations to the Planning Board on the historic preservation component of the master plan.  It also advises the Planning Board on the inclusion of historic sites in the recommended capital improvement program and maintains an Historic Sites Survey.

The Historic Preservation Commission’s office is located in the Hulse House, 471 Herbertsville Road.  The house, which dates back to the 1890’s and was moved to its current location in the 1930’s, was purchased in 2002 by the Township and restored in 2010 through the town’s CDBG program.

The members of the Historic Preservation Commission are:

  • Christine Schiess – Chairperson
  • Wendy Lubrecht – Vice Chairperson
  • John Brunas
  • Gene Donatiello
  • Deborah O’Brien
  • Taylor Perrone
  • Katherine Reid
  • Vienno Wurret
  • Emily Wahler (Alternate I)
  • Marylou Gesslein (Alternate II)

For more information about the Historic Preservation Commission, please call Board Secretary Jennifer Rother at 732-262-1056 or by email at