This page was set up to provide residents with up-to-date information regarding the Township of Brick’s response to the ongoing COVID-19 Crisis. This page will focus on actions taken by the township including cancellations and postponements of township programs, events and activities.
For more information about COVID-19, please visit the CDC website at
For information regarding the Brick Township Public Schools and their response, please visit
For information from Hackensack Meridian Health Center (Brick Hospital) visit
For information and current statistics on COVID-19 in Ocean County, visit the Ocean County Health Department Website at
While Municipal Offices are closed to the public during the coronavirus crisis, Brick Township’s top priority is continuing to provide services to the citizens of Brick Township while ensuring compliance with social distancing guidelines. Below, we will summarize the adaptive programs we have implemented to continue to provide exceptional service and vital assistance to our residents as well as provide a reference to what is available to citizens.
Administration Department
The Administration Department oversees the day to day operations of the Township. Administration staff are available to assist residents with any questions they may have. Administration staff also oversee the Township’s Public Information efforts, Buy In Brick program and much more.
Administration can be reached at 732-262-1050, Monday through Friday, 8am – 4:30pm.
Firearms Applications and Registration System
The Brick Township Police Department Records Bureau is responsible for firearms permitting and made applying for a permit easy in four steps:
- Visit the FARS website at
- The ORI# for the Brick Township Police Department is: NJ0150600 (you will not be able to complete the FARS online application without the proper ORI #)
- Complete the online application. You can complete the application using a smartphone, mobile device, laptop or desktop computer. When completing the application, you will need the email address of 2 reputable references. Your references can be family members.
- You MUST appear at the Brick Township Police Department to pay for your initial Firearms ID card and/or Pistol Purchase Permits. Your application will not be processed until you have paid for the Firearms ID Card / Pistol Permits. Non-refundable payment is required to be made prior to completion of the background as per NJAC 13:54-1.4.
You will receive automated email updates throughout the process and you will be contacted to retrieve your permit. Your references will be emailed the reference questions and they should complete the questions immediately.
For more information, call 732-262-1136
Township Clerk & Vital Statistics
All services provided by the Clerk’s Office are available through the mail. Visit the Clerk’s Page to download forms. Fill them out with payment (cash, check or money order made payable to Township of Brick) and mail them to the Clerk’s Office. Please make sure to include a copy of all necessary documentation. Required documentation will be listed on the form.
Marriage licenses are done in office by appointment only.
For more information, call the Clerk’s Office at 732-262-2925.
Recreation, Parks and Beaches
Recreation Offices are closed to the public. The Recreation Staff is working to develop, implement and coordinate activities through the Play at Home with Brick Recreation Facebook Group during the coronavirus crisis. They are also continuing to work to plan and organize programs, events and activities for the post-crisis time frame.
All Municipal parks are open effective May 1 for passive recreation only. No playgrounds or athletic fields or courts are available. Social distancing guidelines must be followed while at parks.
Effective May 5, Brick Beaches 1, 2 & 3 are open for passive recreation only. Beach 3 parking is not accessible. Team and recreation sports are not permitted on the beaches. Rest room facilities will remain closed. Social distancing guidelines are in place and will be strictly enforced.
Senior Outreach Services
Senior Services staff is providing many services during the coronavirus crisis. These include:
- Wellness calls – staff is reaching out to seniors daily through their Telephone Reassurance Program
- Transportation to banks
- Wellness visits – Senior Services transports seniors to doctors for wellness visits. Call 732-920-8686 for information. Please note: transportation is not available for people who are ill at this time
- Food delivery for seniors in need. This includes picking up orders for seniors from grocery stores as well as delivery of food baskets provided by the People’s Pantry.
For more information about these and other services, please call Senior Outreach Services at 732-920-8686.