Plow trucks clear Brick Township’s 1,500 plus residential streets. Crews start by opening a lane on every street to provide access; after that is done, the crews return to begin opening the road as much as possible. During a typical snow storm, it takes about 12-15 hours after the snow stops to clear these streets. Again, Brick Township has over 1,500 streets totaling more than 780 miles. There are also over 800 cul de sacs and dead ends that have to be cleared.
After the snow is cleared from streets, trucks continue to go in neighborhoods to address problem areas and push back corners and apply salt and brine to help break down ice.
Snow removal is a very arduous and time consuming task and it is not one that we take lightly. Our crews put in long shifts – often in dangerous conditions with low visibility – to clear our streets. We understand that it can be frustrating at times, but we ask for everyone’s patience and understanding during snow events.