Mayor Lisa Crate is pleased to share an exciting scholarship opportunity for high school juniors and seniors in Brick Township who plan to continue their education after graduation. The New Jersey State League of Municipalities (NJSLOM) is offering three $1,000 scholarships through the Louis Bay 2nd Future Municipal Leaders Scholarship Competition.

“I encourage every Brick Township student planning to attend college or pursue further education to apply for this scholarship,” said Mayor Crate. “With the rising cost of education, taking the time to complete the application and write a thoughtful essay is a worthwhile investment.”

Applicants are required to submit an essay of approximately 500 words on the theme, “What I Like About My Hometown.” Essays should be based on the applicant’s perceptions and experiences with their municipality’s local government. The essay should consider the public contributions of their municipal government. Essays will be judged on originality, technical composition and how effectively the theme is articulated.

“I look forward to reading the essays from our talented students and hearing their perspectives on our community,” added Mayor Crate.

Interested students can download a 2025 NJSLOM Scholarship Package. To request an application by email, please contact

This scholarship opportunity is open to all high school juniors and seniors, including Brick Township residents who attend schools outside the community. Completed applications must be returned to Mayor Crate’s office no later than Friday, March 14, 2025. Submissions should be mailed to:

Mayor Lisa Crate
Attn: NJSLOM Scholarship
401 Chambers Bridge Road
Brick, NJ 08723

One essay from Brick Township will be selected as a state semi-finalist and submitted for review by the NJSLOM Scholarship Committee, which will choose 15 finalists and three winners. Each winner will receive a $1,000 scholarship, and their essay will be published in New Jersey Municipalities Magazine.



The Mayor’s Student Advisory Committee (MSAC) is proud to present the Annual Brick Hero Awards, an inspiring event that honors residents and businesses in Brick Township for their outstanding efforts to make our community a better place, whether through small acts of kindness or significant contributions.

This year’s ceremony will take place on Friday, March 14 in the Brick Memorial High School Auditorium, 2001 Lanes Mill Road. The event begins at 7pm with doors opening at 6:30pm. Tickets are available at the door for $10 for adults and $5 for students and seniors. Proceeds will benefit the Mayor’s Student Advisory Committee and the Brick Teen Center.

The Mayor’s Student Advisory Committee is composed of students from both Brick Township and Brick Memorial High Schools and was established to give young people a stronger voice in local government and the community. MSAC’s mission is to empower Brick’s youth to be civic-minded and to lead with purpose and passion.

The Brick Hero Awards celebrate remarkable individuals and organizations, with recipients being recognized in the following categories:

  • Business
  • Community Stewardship
  • Military/Veterans
  • Non-Profit Organization
  • Public Safety
  • Public Service
  • School Personnel
  • Seniors
  • Volunteerism
  • Youth

To nominate a person, business or organization for a 2025 Brick Hero Award, please fill out a nomination form.

For more information about the Brick Hero Awards, please contact Brandi at 732-262-1053.


Planning Board to Adopt Open Space & Recreation Plan at 1/15/2025 Planning Board Meeting at 7pm.


The first phase of a dredging program at Brick Township’s Traders Cove Marina and Park is set to commence around November 1, 2024, and is expected to continue through December 31. This project, vital for maintaining safe and accessible waterways, involves removing accumulated sediment from the boat slips within the marina. The dredged material will then be repurposed for marsh restoration and ecological enhancement at the adjacent Forsythe National Wildlife Refuge, making this effort both a practical and environmentally beneficial undertaking.

“Dredging Traders Cove has become necessary due to the shallow depths that have developed over time. This project will ensure that Traders Cove remains navigable and safe for residents and visitors that use the marina,” said Mayor Lisa Crate. “The project has the added benefit of restoring and enhancing the ecosystem of the Forsythe National Wildlife Refuge.”

The project’s primary objective is to improve navigation by deepening the boat slips, achieving a dredging depth of approximately 3 feet below the channel surface, or 6 feet below the mean high-water mark. During the dredging process, material will be collected beneath the water’s surface and transferred through a pipeline to the refuge for eco-friendly repurposing.

Given the sensitive nature of the marine environment around Traders Cove, the contractor, Mobile Dredging of Chester, Pennsylvania, will use a turbidity curtain to minimize disruption and control sediment dispersal. These curtains are commonly used in marine construction projects to contain sediment and protect nearby water quality. They play a critical role in mitigating environmental impact by reducing sediment spread, ensuring the surrounding ecosystems are safeguarded.

The dredged materials, approved for use by both the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) and the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), will provide significant ecological benefits. Their placement on the marsh will not only help restore and enhance wetland areas but also improve habitats for threatened and endangered species like the Salt Marsh Sparrow and Black Rail. This habitat restoration will further bolster water quality and contribute to the resilience of the local ecosystem.

The marsh restoration component of the project is being funded through a DEP RGGI (Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative) grant and will have no cost to Brick Township’s taxpayers. The grants are funded by proceeds from the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, a cooperative effort among several states to cap and reduce carbon dioxide emissions from the power sector.

ACT Engineers has been contracted to oversee this project, ensuring all operations adhere to environmental standards and best practices. This initiative underscores Brick Township’s commitment to both the functionality of its marina and the preservation of its natural surroundings, balancing recreational access with conservation efforts for long-term sustainability.

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The Township of Brick has issued all available Beach Vehicle Permits for the 2024-2025 season. No additional permits will be issued and no vehicle inspections will be done.

Thank you for your understanding.


Mayor Lisa Crate is excited to announce that the Brick Farmers Market will return for its milestone 10th season at Windward Beach Park on Saturday, May 4. There are 60 vendors signed up for this year’s market.

“We are so thrilled to be celebrating our 10th year of the Brick Farmers Market,” said Mayor Crate. “When we started this market in 2015, we were hopeful that the community would embrace it and they have done so beyond our wildest expectations. The response and support of the community has been outstanding and the reason why this has become the best farmers market in New Jersey.”

The Brick Farmers Market will take place every Saturday from May 4 through September 28. The market hours are 8:30am until 1:30pm. Admission to the market is free. The Brick Farmers Market is dog-friendly; all canine guests must be leashed at all times.

Visitors to the Brick Farmers Market can expect a broad variety of products from the 60 vendors signed up including farm-fresh produce, delicacies, artisanal foods, jellies and jams, pickles, crafts, florals, handmade jewelry and goods, craft beers and spirits and much more.

“We are confident that this year is going to be our best one yet,” said Mayor Crate. “We have some new exciting vendors as well as many of the ones our guests have been stopping at for years, some of whom have been with us since our very first market in April 2015.”

Mayor Crate extends a special recognition to the vendors who have been with the market since its inception. They are Cream Ridge Winery, Beckage Farms, 502 Baking Company, Shore Shake, Farmer Al’s Market & Greenhouse, Jaker’s Pickles, Kauffman Farms, Krakus Deli, Momma’s Home Made, Sea Glass Jewelry by Kristen and Rella Woodworks.

For more information on the Brick Farmers Market, please call 732-262-1075.


Mayor Lisa Crate is pleased to announce that residents can discard of construction materials at the Public Works Recycling Center, 836 Ridge Road, on Saturday, May 11 from 7:30am until 3:30pm.

On May 11, residents can bring construction materials such as kitchen cabinets, sheetrock, plywood, wood trim, molding, wood floors, tile flooring, decking, ceiling tiles, paneling, doors, 2X4’s, roofing shingles and outdoor sheds to the Recycling Center.  Hazardous materials will not be accepted.

This is for residents only; contractors or commercial vehicles will not be permitted.  Proof of residency in the form of a tax bill and driver’s license is required to gain access to the Center.  Materials must be brought to the site; there will be no curbside collection offered.

The Mayor has also authorized a second drop-off day for the autumn. That drop-off day is Saturday, October 12 for construction material collection.

The Township stopped collecting and accepting most construction materials in 2009 in response to escalating tipping fees and abuse by contractors.

For more information, please call Public Works at 732-451-4060.


The Township Council will introduce bond ordinances totaling $10 million at their April 23, 2024 meeting. The bonds will be used to fund Mayor Lisa Crate’s 2024 capital budget. The budget includes appropriations for road improvement projects, drainage projects, police vehicles and equipment, sanitation vehicles, recreation improvements and more.

“The capital budget funds necessary infrastructure improvement projects, vehicle purchases, equipment purchases and upgrades and more,” said Mayor Crate. “They are necessary to maintain our community and keep it clean, healthy and safe.”

The largest expenditure in the capital budget is $2.627 million earmarked for a dredge project that includes marshland restoration at the Forsythe Wildlife Refuge. The project is being done to provide protection from future storms and sea level rise.

The budget includes $2,585,010 in roadway improvement projects. Areas and roads slated for improvements in 2024 include Bay Harbor, Baywood, Lakewood Gardens, Laurel Manor, Lions Head North (Courtshire Drive), Greenbriar, Cherie Manor, Normandy Beach, Herbertsville and Cherry Quay.

“Brick Township has more than 1,700 residential streets that we are responsible for maintaining. Every year, we fund improvement projects for streets that are in most need of repair,” said Mayor Crate.

The capital budget includes $1,277,000 in expenditures for Public Works. This includes $420,000 for a side arm garbage truck, $350,000 for a rear loading garbage truck and $400,000 for the Public Works facility at 836 Ridge Road.

$734,011 in the capital budget has been earmarked for the Police Department, including a high water vehicle and other police equipment. The budget also includes $28,000 for radar equipment and $6,509 for solar powered speed signs.

The capital budget provides $334,000 to remount two ambulances for the Brick Township EMS. By remounting the two bodies onto new chassis, the township is saving a significant amount of money. The estimated cost for two new ambulances is over $500,000.

$75,000 has been included for the design costs for a new public safety building that will be built on the Barrier Island section of the township. The building will house police, EMS and fire department personnel as well as summer crossing guards.

“It is necessary to support our Police and EMS and provide them with the tools, resources and equipment they need to keep our residents safe and this capital program does just that,” said Mayor Crate.

$335,000 has been appropriated for improvements to the Brick Beach 3 concession building. These improvements will focus on the open-air portion of the building and the columns that support the roof. The township will be replacing the columns in the near future with the expectation that the facility will be operational for the upcoming beach season.

Other significant appropriations in the 2024 capital budget include: $541,100 for Information Technology equipment; $60,000 for a new floor in the Civic Plaza Activity Center; $50,000 for new bleachers, $152,760 and for the replacement of the safety surface at Frede Park.

The Council will consider introduce four bond ordinances to fund the 2024 capital budget at the April 23 meeting. The bond ordinances will be up for a second reading and approval at their May 14 meeting.


At a special ceremony during the most recent Council meeting, Mayor Lisa Crate proudly proclaimed Wednesday, April 10 to be Brick Memorial High School Girls Bowling Team Day in honor of the team capturing the NJSIAA Group 3 State Championship this past season.

“I am proud to recognize the Mustangs Girls Bowling Team on their outstanding season and on winning another state championship for their school and our community,” said Mayor Crate. “These achievements are the result of all of the hard work these exceptional young women have put in to becoming the best team they can be. We are all proud of you!”

The Mustangs finished the season with a record of 23-0. They won the Shore Conference Class A South Championship, the NJSIAA Central Jersey Group 3 Championship and the overall Group 3 Championship by defeating the Lacey Township High School Lions.

This is the fourth consecutive championship for the Mustangs and the ninth overall in the program’s history.

Mayor Crate presented the official proclamation to Head Coach Tori Boughton and presented the team members with Certificates of Commendation.

The members of the team are Brooke Collins, Cameryn DeMarco, Keira Fahnholz, Megan Guidone, AJ Jonkoski, Kendra Macomber, Faith Perrin, Olivia Salvatore, Kaitlyn Weitzell Sanchez and Patricia William.

The text of the Mayoral Proclamation:

WHEREAS, Brick Township has some of the most storied and successful interscholastic high school sports programs in the State of New Jersey; and

WHEREAS, the Brick Memorial High School Girls Bowling Team stands as perhaps the most consistently successful and dominant in our community’s history; and

WHEREAS, this past season, the Mustangs Girls Bowling Team was once again a force to be reckoned with, compiling a record of 23-0, winning the Shore Conference A South Championship and winning the NJSIAA Central Jersey Group 3 Championship with a victory over Woodbridge High School; and

WHEREAS, their season was capped off with a resounding 2-0 victory over the Lacey Lions in the NJSIAA Group 3 Championship, marking the fourth consecutive title and ninth overall for the Mustangs; and

WHEREAS, the members of the NJSIAA Group 3 Champion Mustangs Bowling Team are Brooke Collins, Cameryn DeMarco, Keira Fahnholz, Megan Guidone, AJ Jonkoski, Kendra Macomber, Faith Perrin, Olivia Salvatore, Kaitlyn Weitzell Sanchez and Patricia Williams; and

WHEREAS, the Mustangs were most ably led by Head Coach Tori Boughton, a proud alumnus of Brick Memorial High School where she excelled on the lanes and was twice named Bowler of the Year by the Asbury Park Press and was named to their all-decade team.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, LISA CRATE, Mayor of the Township of Brick, in the County of Ocean, in the State of New Jersey, in recognition of their remarkable season and their capturing the NJSIAA Group 3 Championship, do hereby proclaim Tuesday, April 10, 2024 to be Brick Memorial High School Girls Bowling Team Day in the Township of Brick and I call upon all residents to join me in congratulating Head Coach Tori Boughton and the members of the Mustangs Girls Bowling Team on their accomplishments and thank them for representing our community in such an exemplary manner.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF I hereby affix my signature on the day ninth day of April 2024.

Lisa Crate, Mayor


In recognition of their outstanding season and capturing the 2023 NJSIAA Central Jersey Group III Championship, Mayor Lisa Crate has proclaimed Wednesday, March 13, 2024 as Brick Memorial High School Girls Soccer Team Day in Brick Township. Mayor Crate presented the official proclamation at the March 12 Township Council meeting.

“I am proud to recognize the Mustangs on winning the State Championship this past season. This achievement was the result of all of your hard work, practice and commitment to teamwork,” said Mayor Crate. “Brick Township is proud of all of you!”

The Mustangs won the championship by defeating top-seeded Middletown South High School by a score of 2-1 on November 6. This was the seventh sectional championship in the history of the Brick Memorial High School girls soccer program.

Mayor Crate presented the proclamation to Head Coach Billy Caruso at the Council meeting. Each member of the team received a certificate of commendation.

The members of the State Champion Mustangs are Vic Hiotis, Giselle Lizardi, Lexi Caruso, Emily Cranston, Makayla Doheny, Chloe Gellici, Kylie McCullough, Ashlee Schlagenhaft, Skyler Schlagenhaft, Maggie Allen, Makayla Siciliano, Reese Keane, Mia Caruso, Gabby Hernandez, Lila Hopkins, Brooke DeAlmeida, Jordan McCullough and Sydney Mihalko.

Text of Proclamation:


WHEREAS, Brick Township Memorial High School has a tradition of success and championships in their various athletic programs; and

WHEREAS, one such program is the Mustangs Girls Soccer team; and

WHEREAS, this past fall, the Mustangs Girls Soccer Team had a remarkable season, accumulating a record of 15 wins, 5 losses and a tie while consistently demonstrating outstanding skill and teamwork and exemplary sportsmanship; and

WHEREAS, the Mustangs Girls Soccer Team captured the seventh sectional championship in their school’s storied history by beating the top-seeded team from Middletown High School South in the championship game; and

WHEREAS, the members of the State Champion Mustangs Girls Soccer Team are Vic Hiotis, Giselle Lizardi, Lexi Caruso, Emily Cranston, Makayla Doheny, Chloe Gellici, Kylie McCullough, Ashlee Schlagenhaft, Skyler Schlagenhaft, Maggie Allen, Makayla Siciliano, Reese Keane, Mia Caruso, Gabby Hernandez, Lila Hopkins, Brooke DeAlmeida, Jordan McCullough and Sydney Mihalko; and

WHEREAS, the Mustangs were most ably led this season by Head Coach Billy Caruso, Assistant Coaches John Prani, Stephanie Butala, Crystal Badders, Jess Fuccello, Rich Kijak, Patrick Schlagenhaft and Gunther Ulbrich.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, LISA CRATE, Mayor of the Township of Brick, in the County of Ocean, in the State of New Jersey, in honor of their outstanding season during which they captured the NJSIAA Central Jersey Group III State Championship, do hereby proclaim Wednesday, March 13, 2024 to be Brick Memorial High School Girls Soccer Team Day in the Township of Brick and I call upon all residents to join me in recognizing and congratulating the Brick Memorial High School Girls Soccer Team for their remarkable achievement and wish them continued success in their future endeavors.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF I hereby affix my signature on the twenty-sixth day of February 2024.

Mayor Lisa Crate